I had said I wouldn’t be reporting on interesting and, I hope, entertaining aspects of my life on a weekly basis anymore, but I realised that I should probably make a few comments on the first week’s antics after the much-anticipated reopening of WVS.

Also, when you have an appreciative audience, it’s hard to step back completely… And although I had intended to offer ad hoc (maybe monthly) comments, I wouldn’t want to clog up your inboxes (whatever those may be) if you think you’ll be too busy to read them. Please can I therefore ask you to let me know if you’d like to see more of my Ramblings by clicking on the “More Ramblings please!” link at the end of this missive.

I imagined that there would be some amusing stories as riders and horses reacquainted themselves with each other after three months apart but, disappointingly, I understand almost everyone has behaved surprisingly well over the past week, so there is nothing very scurrilous to report. Newbie Dexter continues to be the perfect pony, even facing down a dog that was upsetting Pod, but I am sure – somewhere – he has a hidden depth that will be revealed in due course. I, of course, am something of a paragon, and if I have a fault – and I stress if – it’s just my natural enthusiasm to get going as soon as I come out of my box; sometimes this is interpreted as rudeness – barging off if there are other horses in front of me while the Old Bird is still in the process of mounting (which I admit could result in an unplanned injury if she were to fall ignominiously to the ground) – but I attribute it to my irrepressible desire to join my mates and get on with my day.

This being England, I feel I should comment on the weather. The reopening of WVS took place on a wonderfully warm and sunny day (which apparently called for tee-shirts, but fortunately was not hot enough to be considered bikini weather – I do think our riders should dress with some decorum, especially for Wimbledon High Street), so perhaps a good omen for the future. On the other hand, we were back to chilly weather, necessitating a return to rugs and jackets just two days later, so Summer is obviously not here yet. Maybe it is the lower temperature that has discouraged some people from sharing the Common with us equines – a welcome development – or maybe it’s because they are now permitted to do other stuff, but I am pleased to report that there were significantly fewer bodies (human or canine) on our tracks this past weekend.

However, it seems many people assume that being allowed to meet outside in groups of up to six (perfect for group lessons) means they can congregate in much larger numbers and, in their disregard for anyone or anything else, leave behind shocking amounts of litter – food containers, paper, bottles, cans etc etc. Apart from the unsightly result, imagine if one of us were to tread on some broken glass that had been so carelessly discarded – I would not be amused, whether it was me or one of my chums who got injured. I would contrast this behaviour with the social events that used to take place in the WVS yard before Covid put a (temporary, we hope) stop to them, where everyone had a great time, indulging in loads of food and drink (yes, lots of them can put away fair amounts of alcohol) and making plenty of noise (which personally I am not so keen on, so have to be housed round the back or over the other side of the passageway to protect my sensitive nature). Of course, so many people gathered together, enjoying themselves made quite a mess, but it would all be cleared up before bedtime so the next morning the yard was as pristine as ever; if only other revellers could take a leaf out of the WVS book.

I had to come back to Wimbledon early last week (those pesky logistic issues again), but gave Auntie Caroline two very pleasant rides on Thursday, before being put through my paces by Mojca in a group lesson on Friday. I confess to having enjoyed it quite a bit – I was galvanised by the presence of others (Indie, Havana, Honey and Onyx) to show a fair amount of energy, but also out of consideration for the Old Bird. While it is true that I like her to put in some effort, I don’t want her coming to any harm on my account, as I do appreciate her advanced years could make her vulnerable if she were forced to work just that bit too hard.
It has been very jolly seeing some different faces in the yard, in addition to our much loved volunteers (and owners, of course), and I think I have earned a certain kudos now that more people know who I am and have come to appreciate just how talented a commentator I have become. I bask in their praise, but it really only matters to me if it manifests itself as treats – words are transitory, but food is much more substantial, even if I make short work of it. The reopening of the stables has been commemorated by a selection of photos of everyone’s first ride back and very good they are too – especially, obviously, the ones of me and the Old Bird, one of which features in this week’s Ramblings. It will be clear to everyone that Phoebe (daughter of Scooby’s owner, Nuph) is a very talented photographer and she can take my picture again anytime (so far I’ve had three sessions)!
I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter weekend, whatever you may have got up to (obviously it will have been better if horses were involved in some way) and that the riders among you have been restrained in the eating of Easter eggs, if only out of consideration for those who have to carry you in the coming days…. Spooky (not that I would ever trust his word on anything) told me that he once grabbed a mince pie out of Auntie Caroline’s hand after a jolly Boxing Day ride (which I am betting the Old Bird hadn’t enjoyed so much) and he claimed to find it rather tasty; this led me to wonder if Hot Cross buns would also be a delicacy that we horses could enjoy, but as nobody has ever had the courtesy or consideration to offer me one, I simply cannot say. This is also true of the regular supply of cakes that have appeared in the yard all week, which I am sure have been much appreciated by those who are allowed to eat them – again, this does not include us horses.

In any event, I must now dash off to Manor Farm, my Claygate Girls and the Spring grass. If you want to hear more from me, remember that you will have to vote with your finger on the link below!

Rory x